Investors Portal

Dear shareholders and interested parties,

SEMIS AG has developed a professional corporate finance concept has created a solid basis for its corporate financing. When investing in a growth company, the fair value of the company develops very dynamically over time; in the best case scenario, the company will grow exponentially with long-term sustainable growth. The most common formulas that include a time component are the discounted cash flow method (DCF) and high-growth investing. When investing in a real growth company, time generally works for the investor. For our shareholders and investors, high-growth investing is therefore a guarantee of long-term success with a high market capitalization.

There are many examples of shares with which people “could have” become rich. One thing they have in common is that anyone who had invested just 5,000 dollars in the IPO of Apple, Microsoft or Amazon had done something right. Each of these investments would have developed into a fortune worth millions of dollars over the years. As part of a family and friends programme, the shares of Apple, Facebook, Amazon or Google were made available to investors to buy in a pre-market transaction (OTC) in the early-phase financing (beginning of the start-up phase) of the company. In some cases, the first issue prices were just 10 cents per share!

The projected figures for SEMIS from 2024 to 2028 result in an EBIT of around EUR 30 million for the company by the end of 2028 (s. appendix). A DCF report be prepared in this connection by a renowned accounting firm in the coming months. The enterprise value / market capitalisation of the company will then amount to around EUR 100 million, corresponding to an approximate price of EUR 10.00 per share. An increase in the earnings value is thus predestined to ensure the defined IPO goals on a regulated exchange.
SEMIS AG naturally continues to rely on the trust of its shareholders and investors to guarantee the expansive growth of the SEMIS GROUP.   


presents you the updated business plan and the corporate finance concept for your perusal. Besides outlining the business model of our subsidiary, HelloSeller GmbH, and the pending development and investment to be carried out by SEMIS AG, the market and competitive situation, marketing and sales plan as well as the outlook for business in the coming five yearsare explained.


is convinced that the positioning of HelloSeller offers tremendous market opportunities. HelloSeller is the first purely mobile app for the world’s largest e-commerce market and not only positions itself in competition with rivals but also as an indispensable “around the clock companion”. It is targeted at each of the 2 million active Amazon sellers at present.


ensures the administration, financing and management of the subsidiaries with the aim of leading HelloSeller to extraordinary economic success. 

Growth market e-commerce

There is enormous growth potential on the global e-commerce market. The trend away from highstreet retail to online shopping will continue over the coming years. As a result, the number of sellers on e-commerce platforms is rising continuously. The HelloSeller app is a B2B application for e-commerce.


Advancing digitalisation, has produced a great demand for digital solutions that open up enormous opportunities for the developed products. The increases in value of some companies in this area – from their founding to the present day – can be extreme. In the past, applications like Slack (B2B instant messaging service), Github (software developer platform), WhatsApp (instant messaging service) or Shopify (B2B e-commerce software) have been able to undergo astronomic appreciation in just a few years. They were initially financed with the founders’ own capital and are now worth billions.

Current stock market price:

Current stock market price on other platforms: 

SEMIS AG prices can be viewed on the following platforms. The ISIN: CH1283375785 or securities number: 128337578 may need to be entered.

Corporate finance concept

Business plan



Do you have any questions? Please contact us.

Nicolai Colshorn
+41 41 56 00 880
+41 78 770 30 90